Tuesday, September 15, 2009

biggest losers...

season 8 started tonight and for the first time i don't weigh more than some of the contestants, i actually don't weigh more than any of the contestants. i realize that this season's contestants are the heaviest that there have ever been but still, that's a first for me and i'm proud of it.

here's where the contestants started this week

shay - 476, daniel - 312, amanda - 250, rebecca - 279
rudy - 442, dina - 253, antoine - 367, sean - 444
danny - 430, liz - 267, allen - 325, abby - 247, julio - 407
alexandra - 309, mo - 355

i know that they'll be loosing double digits some weeks and that it's not healthy for me to loose that much that fast but watching them work hard makes me want to work harder.

p.s. another first - we didn't watch the season opener of biggest loser while eating dairy queen, thank you philly swirl!!

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