Thursday, December 10, 2009

cocoa party...

working on recipes for saturday's cocoa party. i've narrowed down the hot cocoa recipes to: belgian white chocolate (from harry & david), peanut butter hot chocolate, cinnamon chip hot chocolate, peppermind stick hot chocolate, mexican hot chocolate & vanilla hot chocolate. I think someone is bringing the ingredients for chocolate martinis and i know i'll be making pudding shots. For garnish we'll have homemade marshmallows and purchased large & mini marshmallows. We'll have real whipped cream & redi-whip, chocolate shavings, cocoa, cinnamon & powdered sugar in shakers and peppermint sticks. We'll have some mole wings done in the crockpot and maybe another non-dessert but i'm not sure what... if anyone has any ideas please let me know, i've got until saturday morning to nail it all down, that's when i'll be going to the grocery

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