i'm going to begin my commentary with a few examples of what have recently be renamed 'fashion aneurysms'. i hope this, if nothing else, at least gives everyone a good laugh, a reference point for dressing yourself (if you look in the mirror and think you may have seen that outfit here, quickly change), or at least some self asteem (hey, at least you look better, right?). please comment and feel free to email me anything you'd like to see posted.
we begin our tour of crazy with a girl i like to call stripperella:

meet jungle joe, he was having a drink with some friends at a local bar. i'm sure stacey would say something like: 'if you're going to wear the lumberjack shirt, make sure you don't have the lumberjack hair and beard'
this is lumpy linda: ladies, please please please, stop wearing pants that are so light and tight that even in a dark bar your bumps, lumps and lines show up like the lights on a christmas tree
i don't know how much more i can say about this, it really does speak for itself. cut off black pants, black socks, black shoes, all different shades of black with bright white legs and hair paired with pajamas in public and it's not a drugstore or doctors office (which, i give passes to sick people walking up to because sometimes you can't wear anything more than pjs when you're so very sick)
and don't get me started on any of this... what happened to 'dress to impress' people? when did grocery shopping become so menial that we can't get dressed like civilized people...

alrighty, that's all for today, just some food for thought the next time you go to pick up some milk!
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