i've become blog-addicted over the last couple of weeks spending hours and hours reading the blogs of crafty people and the blogs that they think are crafty which leads to more crafty people and you see how hours can be lost... my mind swirls by bedtime thinking of new ways i can use the craftiness of some to increase my own craftiness. here are some of the things i've absorbed recently:
i already really like monogrammed things but this pillow is to D-I-E for
and a coat hanger made from... hangers?
and i love this idea for keeping recipes at my fingertips
i'll be adding this kind of ruffle to my plain black sweater vest very soon
personalized photo blocks for the kids for christmas? i think so!
and that was made from a thrifted nightstand which is right the alley of a certain reviatlizer i know (me)
this flower was made to go on a dog's collar...

i would love for my lou & i to have matching bows! 

**on a side note, i am really really really sorry that i forgot to write down where these pics came from but i generally find myself re-reading some posts so i'll try to remember to add in tags for these items later!
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