will probably be here within the next couple of months if all goes well!!! what the heck am i talking about, you ask? i thought i had blogged before to update you all but apparantly i forgot to. my sister-in-law sara and her husband are in the process of adopting an amazing little girl from uganda. her name is fiona, she's going to turn 5 on may 2nd (which is also sara & becky's birthday and 2 days before paige's birthday) and she's beautiful, dont'cha think?

as i understand it (and i could be wrong on a few of the details but the general idea is right) the whole process started a few months ago when sara & dave's neighbors (mark, the guy in the above picture, & rachelle) began the process to adopt dorcas, an 18 year old girl from uganda that has been in the united states for a couple of years. they then found out that she has a 9 year old sister named rachel still in uganda and a girl that is like a sister to rachel named fiona, nearly 5 years old. mark & rachelle had decided to adopt rachel as well but really wanted to find a home for fiona as well. dave and sara have been trying for quite some time to have another child and their son tyler, has been wanting a brother or sister for just about as long so after lots of prayer and looking into their hearts they realized that fiona was the child they'd been waiting for. after a very long process they are waiting on a bit of final paperwork and then they'll get their first court date in uganda. a few weeks after that they'll get their final court date to finalize the adoption and get to bring her home. yes, there are a lot of steps that i didn't mention but that's the basic outline.
so, why is mark holding fiona in the photo? mark had to fly to europe for work this week and while he was there he took a few days to fly to uganda, meet the girls, and get familiar with the area where both families will be spending 3-4 weeks between court dates while they finalize the adoption. mark happend to arrive on parent's day at the girls' school and has been able to take some awesome
photos. now that we've seen the photos everything has become even more real so sara has enlisted my help for fiona's room. we've chosen bedding, a paint color for the walls and dave & sara's bedroom is getting a facelift too (they're going to need a nice relaxing place after spending close to a month in africa). i'll try to upload photos as we go but in the mean time, you can follow their story